Zapunidi K.N.
History of Legal Regulation of Serving Sentences by Juvenile Convicts In Russia Until 1917
Purpose: To examine the system of correctional institutions for minors in Russia.
Methodology: Historical and legalistic methods were used by the author.
Results: The emergence of legal norms on the conditions of serving the sentence of juvenile offenders is associated with the reforms carried out by Catherine II. At this stage, there were two modes of serving the sentence: prisons and educational shelters. All legislative norms were implemented with violations, but in general, legislative norms and ideas of the late XIX – early XX century became the basis for criminal law policy in relation to minors in the future.
Novelty/originality/value: The paper has a high scientific value, as it is one of the first attempts to analyze the history of the legal regulation of serving sentences by minors convicted in Russia before 1917.
Keywords: legal regulation, punishment, juvenile offenders, prison, correctional facility.
References (transliterated)
1.Belova E.Yu. Istoricheskie e`tapy` organizacii deyatel`nosti penitenciarny`x uchrezhdenij dlya nesovershennoletnix osuzhdenny`x v sfere preduprezhdeniya recidivnoj prestupnosti // Yuridicheskaya my`sl`. 2017. № 5 (103). S. 73–74.
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Batanov A.N.
On the Issue of the Possibility of Participation in the Criminal Case of an Advocate Who Previously Held the Post of Head of the Investigative Body
Purpose: This study aims to resolve the question of the admissibility of participation in a criminal case of an advocate who previously held the position of the head of the investigative body which conducted criminal proceedings in the case.
Methodology: A legalistic method was used.
Results: The paper deals with the problem of the possibility of providing legal assistance by an advocate, if he previously held the position of the head of the investigative body in charge of the criminal case. It has been established that such a practice would contradict the principles and norms of the criminal procedure legislation, as well as the norms of the Federal Law «On Advocacy and Advocate Activities in the Russian Federation». Based on the study, suggestions were made to improve the current criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation.
Novelty/originality/value: This study has scientific and practical value, since it is a first attempt to consider the participation in a criminal case of the head of the investigative body as a circumstance precluding his entry into the criminal process in this case as a defense counsel, representative of the victim, civil plaintiff or civil respondent.
Keywords: criminal procedure law, the circumstances excluding participation in criminal proceedings, disqualification, head of the investigative body, advocate, defense counsel.
References (transliterated)
1.Ampenov S.S. Obstoyatel`stva, isklyuchayushhie uchastie v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Tyumen`, 2011. S. 19.
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4.Kommentarij k Ugolovno-processual`nomu kodek-su Rossijskoj Federacii v redakcii Federal`nogo zakona ot 29 iyunya 2002 goda / pod obshh. i nauch. red. d-ra yurid. nauk prof. A.Ya. Suxareva. M.: NORMA-INFRA M, 2002. S. 139.
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6.Permskij kraevoj sud. Apellyacionnoe postanovlenie № 22-5170/2015 22K-5170/2015 3/10-79/2015 ot 25 avgusta 2015 g. po delu № 22-5170/2015 // Sudakt [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Safiullin R.R.
Indecent Assault: Criminal Characteristic and Definition Problems
Purpose: This study aims to analyze the various forms of commission of the crime, which is defined in the Article 135 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation. Due to the fact that the current legislation of the Russian Federation does not disclose the concept of «indecent assault acts», the author aims to give a clear definition of such acts.
Methodology: Legalistic approach was used by the author.
Results: The main signs of physical and mental abuse are considered. Due to the fact that today the abusers are looking for their victims on the Internet, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to make changes to the Criminal Code by including the relevant qualifying feature in the Article 135. For unified application by courts of regulations on dissolute actions, the author also proposes to make changes to the existing Resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 16 of 04.12.2014 «On Judicial Practice in Cases of Crimes Against Sexual Privacy and Sexual Freedom of the Person».
Novelty/originality/value: The novelty of this study lies in the need to amend the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 16 of 04.12.2014 «On Judicial Practice in Cases of Crimes Against Sexual Privacy and Sexual Freedom of the Person».
Keywords: indecent assault acts, sexual acts, physical and intellectual forms, the Internet, knowledge of the age of the victim, sexual integrity, minors, problems of criminal definition, criminal liability.
References (transliterated)
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10.Naumov A.V. Praktika, primeneniya Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: kommentarij sudebnoj praktiki i doktrinal`noe tolkovanie. M.: Volters Kluver, 2005.
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14.Tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka: v 4 t. / pod red. D.N. Ushakova. M.: Gos. in-t «Sov. e`ncikl.»; OGIZ; Gos. izd-vo inostr. i nacz. slov, 1935–1940 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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Rogozhnikova T.M., Salikhova E.A.
Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Features of the Creolized Conflict-Generating Text: Technology of Its Identification and Description
Purpose: To show the specific results of the polycode conflict texts research.
Methodology: Linguistic and psycholinguistic approaches to text analysis are used.
Results: The specific character of the polycode (i.e. composed of two heterogeneous parts: verbal (language/speech) and nonverbal (belonging to other systems of signs)) conflict-generating text is shown, the multifaceted and polyaspect nature of text expertise is demonstrated by illustrative material, the parameters of the surface structure and interpretation of the text are revealed as well as its profound impact on the audience.
Novelty/originality/value: Novelty and originality of this study is determined by a) the potential of fundamental linguistics as well as the related branches of knowledge used for solving the problems of the polycode text expertise; b) the usage of special software in the field of psycholinguistic expertise; c) the initial research fixation on the fact that the competence limits of a certain scientist are not the same as the limits of linguistic competence.
Keywords: linguistic expertise, psycholinguistic expertise, complex approach, creolized text, suggestion.
References (transliterated)
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18.Rogozhnikova T.M. Instrumenty` analiza sugges-tivny`x resursov yazy`kovy`x yavlenij // Kognitivnaya psixologiya: metodologiya i praktika / pod nauch. red. V.M. Allaxverdova i dr. SPb.: Izd-vo VVM, 2015. S. 233–244.
19.Rogozhnikova T.M. Suggestivny`j potencial yazy`-kovoj sistemy` i ego strategicheskie vozmozhnosti v processe kommunikacii // Teoriya yazy`ka i mezhkul`turnaya kommunikaciya. 2016. № 4 (23) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
20.Rogozhnikova T.M. Psixolingvisticheskij podxod k izucheniyu suggestivny`x resursov verbal`ny`x modelej // Teoriya yazy`ka i mezhkul`turnaya kommunikaciya. 2018. № 1 (28) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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Sukhostavskaya J.V.
Prospects of The Mediation Development in Russia Considering the Experience of European Countries
Purpose: To analyze the institute of mediation in some European countries in order to learn their successful experience that could be used in the Russian Federation.
Methodology: System, legalistic and comparative approaches were used.
Results: Mediation in European countries is a very popular procedure for settlement of disputes in contrast to our country. In Russia, this method of conflict resolution is available, but is not in demand for some reasons: lack of professional mediators, lack of advertising of their services in the media, high cost of such services, lack of public awareness about the nature and procedure of mediation, etc. The experience of European countries in promoting mediation provides a real opportunity for the successful development of mediation in the Russian Federation. Today, mediation is a part of the legal system of many European countries, what is confirmed by the inclusion of relevant regulation in civil and procedural legislation, as well as judicial practice. In addition, courts play an important role in development of mediation.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value because it is one of the first attempts to consider the prospects of the mediation development in Russia, taking into account the successful experience of the introduction of this concept in some European countries.
Keywords: mediation, mediator, conflict, amicable agreement, legal dispute, conciliation procedure.
References (transliterated)
1.Mediation: Principles and Regulation in Comparative Perspective / eds. by K.J. Hopt, F. Steffek. Oxford University Press, 2013.
2.The Variegated Landscape of Mediation: A Comparative Study of Mediation Regula-tion and Practices in Europe and the World / eds. by M. Schonewille, F. Schonewille. Eleven International Publishing, 2014.
3.Issledovanie dlya Komiteta Evropejskogo Parlamenta po pravovy`m voprosam: «Rebooting» the mediation directive. Assessing the limited impact of its implementation and proposing measures to increase the number of mediations in the EU / eds. by G. De Palo, L. D’Urso, M. Trevor, B. Branon, R. Canessa, B. Cawyer, L.R. Florence // European Parliament, manuscript, 2014 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Mediaciya / Novosti i analitika // GARANT. Informacionno-pravovoj portal [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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Sizov D.A., Litovka A.B.
The Problem of Determining the Quality of Medical Care
Purpose: This study aims to reveal the definition of «quality of medical care», as well as to consider the current state and legal basis of the problem.
Methodology: A legalistic approach was used by the authors.
Results: The quality of medical care in Russia is subject to change. It is assumed by the authors that the government, heads of medical institutions, representatives of the Ministry of health, employers and doctors should be interested in improving the quality of medical care. Therefore, not only the state, but also the intra-sectoral approach to the definition of the concept of «quality of medical care» will be able to ensure its high quality.
Novelty/originality/value: The main methods of control of «quality of medical care» are characterized, as well as criteria of quality of the provided specialized medical care. The structure of standards of medical care and their main indicators are shown. Clinical guidelines are given, as well as levels of their efficiency as evidence-based guidelines. Prospects of development of the quality of medical care, using standardization and applying the clinical recommendations in practice, are analyzed as well.
Keywords: Federal Law «On the Basics of Citizen Health Protection in the Russian Federation», quality of medical care, Federal State Standard for the Provision of Specialized Care, independent quality assessment.
References (transliterated)
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mu sotrudnichestvu. Komitet po zdravooxraneniyu. Dos-tupnost` kachestvennoj medicinskoj pomoshhi. M., 1999.
3.Smol`nikov V.P., Stecenko S.G. Reglamentaciya medicinskoj deyatel`nosti v Rossii: istoriko-pravovy`e voprosy` (X–XVII vv.) // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2012. № 4. S. 143–151.
4.Shapovalov K.V. Analiz organizacionny`x meropriyatij po provedeniyu kontrolya kachestva raboty` medicinskogo personala // Mezhdunarodny`j zhurnal e`kspe-rimental`nogo obrazovaniya. 2014. № 10. S. 333–335.
Bagishev O.A., Shikula E.R.
Features of Privatization of Service Housing
Purpose: This study aims to analyze a possibility of realization of the right for one-time free privatization by the citizens living in premises of specialized housing stock (service housing).
Methodology: The methods of analysis, synthesis and scientific abstraction were used in this study.
Results: General conditions, opportunities and restrictions in realization of the right of privatization by citizens living in premises of specialized housing stock are considered.
Novelty/originality/value: The rights and obligations of the parties of civil legal relationships in the sphere of privatization of premises of specialized housing stock are analysed, as well as the mechanisms of realization of the right for one-time free privatization of premises of such housing stock.
Keywords: privatization, premises, specialized housing stock, realization of right.
References (transliterated)
1.Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 30.03.2012 № 9-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti chasti vtoroj stat`i 4 Zakona Rossijskoj Federacii «O privatizacii zhilishhnogo fonda v Rossijskoj Federacii «Zvenigovskij municipal`ny`j rajon» Respubliki Marij E`l» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Mochalova V.A.
Liability for the Substandard Delivery Performance:Review of Russian And German Legislation
Purpose: To produce detailed quality on revealing peculiarities of regulation of the concept of civil liability for the violation of contractor obligations in the Russian and German legislation.
Methodology: Legalistic, comparative, historical and dialectical methods were used.
Results: The analysis of civil regulation of responsibility for the substandard delivery performance under Russian and German law allows us to conclude that there are certain similarities that can be traced in the understanding of substandard delivery performance, the composition of the requirements that can be declared by the customer in connection with the violation of the conditions of quality, the grounds of responsibility for the improper quality of work performed. The differences are more specific and relate mainly to the question of the grounds for termination of the contract due to poor quality work. The possibility of releasing the contractor from liability for defects in work under the agreement of the parties, as well as taking into account the fault of the parties in the application of measures of responsibility for the improper quality of the result of work, are the key features of the legal regulation of the concept of responsibility for the quality of work performed by the contractor in both Russian and German legislation.
Novelty/originality/value: The paper possesses the scientific value defined by the Conception of Development of Civil Legislation of Russia, according to which it is necessary to develop concept of civil liability to strengthen and enhance the effectiveness of the measures presented. The study of similar concepts in foreign law and reasoned borrowing can contribute to the achievement of goals presented.
Keywords: contract contracts, responsibility, quality sounded, contractor, encumbrance of law, improper quality, bad faith.
References (transliterated)
1.Bernovskij Yu.N. Standarty` i kachestvo produkcii: ucheb.-praktich. posob. M.: ASMS, 2014.
2.Braginskij M.I., Vitryanskij V.V. Dogovornoe pravo: obshhie polozheniya. M.: Statut, 1998.
3.Braginskij M.I. Dogovor podryada i podobny`e emu dogovory`. M., 1999.
4.Voronova A.A. Kachestvo vy`polneniya rabot v dogovore podryada // Yurist. 2015. № 18.
5.Grazhdanskoe ulozhenie Germanii (GGU) ot 18.08.1896 (red. ot 02.01.2002) (s izm. i dop. ot 31.03.2013). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
6.Ivanchak A.I. Otvetstvennost` storon dogovora podryada: problemy` pravovogo regulirovaniya (sravnitel`ny`j analiz rossijskogo i germanskogo prava) // Zashhita grazhdanskix prav v usloviyax reformirovaniya grazhdanskogo i grazhdanskogo processual`nogo zakonodatel`stva / pod obshh. red. A.N. Kuzbagarova, K.G. Svarchevskogo. SPb.: Petropolis, 2015. S. 76–77.
7.Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. Chast` vtoraya (postatejny`j) / pod red. A.P. Sergeeva. M.: Prospekt, 2010.
8.Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. Chast` vtoraya (postatejny`j) / pod red. A.P. Sergeeva, Yu.K. Tolstogo. M.: TK Velbi: Prospekt, 2003.
9.Koncepciya razvitiya grazhdanskogo zakonodatel`stva Rossijskoj Federacii (odobrena Sovetom pri Prezidente RF po kodifikacii i sovershenstvovaniyu grazhdanskogo zakonodatel`stva 7 oktyabrya 2009 goda). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
10.Nikitin A.V. Dogovor podryada v grazhdanskom prave Rossijskoj Federacii. Ekaterinburg, 2013.
11.Postanovlenie FAS Povolzhskogo okruga ot 09.04.2010 po delu № A06-2296/2009.
12.Postanovlenie FAS Severo-Zapadnogo okruga ot 15.03.2010 po delu № A21-8158/2008.
13.Postanovlenie FAS Dal`nevostochnogo okruga ot 25.02.2013 № F03-326/2013 po delu № A59-1796/2012.
14.Postanovlenie FAS Severo-Kavkazskogo okruga ot 09.02.2010 po delu № A63-4060/2009.
15.Postanovlenie FAS Dal`nevostochnogo okruga ot 05.08.2014 № F03-3168/2014 po delu № A24-4449/2013.
16.Postanovlenie FAS Moskovskogo okruga ot 14.01.2008 № KG-A40/1454-07.
17.Postanovlenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Moskovskogo okruga ot 18.09.2014 № F05-8683/14 po delu № A40-141287/13.
18.Postanovlenie FAS Vostochno-Sibirskogo okruga ot 15.06.2010 po delu № A33-20347/2009.
19.Postanovlenie FAS Central`nogo okruga ot 15.06.2011 po delu № A68-6498/08.
20.Yushkevich S.P. Dogovor stroitel`nogo podryada. M.: Os`-89, 2012.
Teplova D.O.
Concept of Constitutional Judicial Guarantees in Germany and France
Purpose: To analyze the features of the development of the concept of constitutional judicial guarantees in the basic laws of modern States of Western Europe on the example of the Federal Republic of Germany and France.
Methodology: Comparative, historical and other general scientific methods of research were used.
Results: The legal features of the «constitutionalization» of judicial guarantees in France and Germany are determined by the historical features of state development and national constitutional traditions. The main legal differences between the processes of constitutionalization of judicial guarantees in these countries include: different models of constitutional consolidation of judicial guarantees; national peculiarities in the legal status of constitutional justice bodies and mechanisms of human rights protection within such bodies; constitutional consolidation and development of differentiated judicial jurisdictions in the judicial systems of these countries.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has scientific value, as it is the result of the author’s individual approach to the study of the features of the constitutional judicial guarantees of Germany and France, which have not been adequately covered in the Russian legal science.
Keywords: Constitution, basic law, laws and regulation, judicial guarantees, judicial system, justice, protection of constitutional human rights and freedoms.
References (transliterated)
1.Code de l’organisation judiciaire [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:;jsessioni d=69D02I754C88FBEAFI05920C005D2IA3.tpdjo13v_3?cidTexte=LEGITEXT0000060II64&dateTexte=20I3073I.
2.Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 9. Mai 1975 (BGBl. I S. 1077), das zuletzt durch Artikel 1 des Gesetzes vom 12. Juli 2018 (BGBl. I S. 1151) geändert worden ist [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
[E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
11. 2009.pdf.
12.Zivilprozessordnung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 5. Dezember 2005 (BGBl. I S. 3202; 2006 I S. 431; 2007 I S. I78I), die zuletzt durch Artikel I des Gesetzes vom 3I. Januar 2019 (BGBl. I, S. 54) geändert worden ist [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
13.Tyurpen D. Sovremennoe sostoyanie sudebnogo dualizma vo Francii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: http://otrasli-prava. rf/article/23064.
14.Xrestomatiya po istorii gosudarstva i prava zarubezhny`x stran (novoe i novejshee vremya) / N.A. Krasheninikova, d-r yurid. nauk, prof. M.: ZERCzALO, 1999 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Serous A.V., Sangadzhiyev B.V.
The Perpetrator of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and Officials of The Public International Organizations According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Purpose: To analyze the characteristics of the perpetrator of bribery of foreign officials and officials of international public organizations in order to clarify the characteristics of the perpetrator of the crimes in question.
Methodology: Classical and proven in legal science methods of research are used, as they ensure the reliability of the expected results of study.
Results: It was revealed that as a result of the implementation of the norms of international law in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by introducing the additional special perpetrator receiving a bribe - a foreign official - there was a significant discrepancy in the content of the traditionally used concept of «official» and the newly introduced term «foreign official». This, according to the authors, should be considered a lack of criminal law, since there is an unnecessary excessive polysemy of established terms. This situation contains a potential threat for the correct and unified application of Art. 290 and 291.1 of the Criminal Code.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a scientific value, since it attempts to develop an unambiguous and exhaustive interpretation of the new terminology for the correct and unified application of art. 290 and 291.1 of the Criminal Code.
Keywords: corruption, international law, bribery, perpetrator, criminal law, foreign official, responsibility, legal entities, officials, implementation.
References (transliterated)
1.Aktual`ny`e problemy` ugolovnogo prava / pod red. L.V. Inogamovoj-Xegaj. M., 2015.
2.Bugaevskaya N.V. Inostranny`e dolzhnostny`e licza i dolzhnostny`e licza mezhdunarodny`x publichny`x organizacij kak sub``ekty` korrupcionny`x prestuplenij po ugolovnomu zakonodatel`stvu RF // Izvestiya Tul`skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. E`konomicheskie i yuri-dicheskie nauki. Tula, 2014. S. 82–89.
3.By`vshij pomoshhnik prezidenta KONKAKAF prigovoren k 15 mesyaczam tyur`my` za korrupciyu [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: [
4.V Gvatemale arestovan e`ks-glava mestnoj futbol`noj federacii Ximenes [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Konvenciya OON protiv korrupcii (prinyata General`noj Assambleej 31 oktyabrya 2003 g.).
6.Milliarder iz SShA prigovoren v SShA k tyur`me za podkup chinovnikov OON [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Pavlov V.G. Sub``ekt prestupleniya. SPb., 2000, S. 68–117.
8.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 9 iyulya 2013 g. № 24 «Po delam o sudebnoj praktike o vzyatochnichestve i iny`x korrupcionny`x prestupleniyah» // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2013. 13 iyulya.
9.Rekomendacii o realizacii trebovanij Federal`nogo zakona № 115-FZ «O protivodejstvii legalizacii (otmy`va-niyu) doxodov, poluchenny`x prestupny`m putem, i finansirovaniyu terrorizma» v chasti vy`yavleniya i kontrolya operacij inostranny`x publichny`x dolzhnostny`x licz (IPDL) (utv. Komitetom ARB po voprosam POD/FT, protokol zasedaniya Komiteta № 22 ot 27.01.2010). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
10.Tarbagaev A.N. Inostrannoe dolzhnostnoe liczo kak sub``ekt polucheniya vzyatki po UK RF // Vserossijskij kriminologicheskij zhurnal. 2014. № 1. S. 104–109.
11.Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii / pod red. A.I. Raroga. M., 2016. S. 370.
12.Chinovnik OON priznan vinovny`m v korrupcii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Rakhimberdin K.H.
Criminal Responsibility for Self-Mutilation of Convicted Persons: Mismatches with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive criminal law analysis of the current provision of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which establishes criminal liability for self-harming convicts.
Methodology: Historical, system-structural and comparative methods were used.
Results: The author made the following conclusions in the article: 1) For some unknown reasons, the legislator ignored the position of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan expressed by its regulatory Resolution of February 27, 2008. In fact, it allowed the revival of the unconstitutional criminality in the new Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2) The Constitutional Council rightly believed that there were no grounds for the criminalization of self-harm in the previous Criminal Code of 1997. 3) The norm of Part 3 of Art. 428 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a de facto counterpart of the old rule of article 361 of the Criminal Code of 1997. It means that it fully reproduces all the problems of its old counterpart as its «mirror reflection», what was revealed and thoroughly analyzed by the Constitutional Council. Consequently, the current Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan maintains a norm that establishes criminal responsibility for ways of expression of protest by convicted opinions, and not for their actual socially dangerous actions. This norm, despite containing redundant evaluation concepts that create the possibility for arbitrary broad interpretation, still persists. In this norm, just as in Article 361 of the Criminal Code of 1997, the balance between the priority of the protection of constitutional values and the need to limit the rights and freedoms of convicts is violated.
It is necessary to make an unequivocal conclusion that the norm of Part 3 of Art. 428 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan contradicts the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and it is necessary to provide a mechanism for non-application of this provision by the courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the current legislation.
Novelty/originality/value: This study substantiates theoretical problems related to criminal liability for self-mutilation of convicts in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time.
Keywords: convict, self-mutilation, the penitentiary system, criminal code, constitution.
References (transliterated)
1.Normativnoe postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Soveta Respubliki Kazaxstan ot 27 fevralya 2008 goda № 2 «O proverke konstitucionnosti chastej pervoj i chetvertoj stat`i 361 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Respubliki Kazaxstan po obrashheniyu Kapshagajskogo gorodskogo suda Almatinskoj oblasti» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Prigovor ot 25 yanvarya 2016 g. v otnoshenii podsudimy`x Araxamiya R.R., Ikonnikova A.I., Yur`evicha A.M., Nuraxmetova A.K. // Arxiv suda № 2 g. Semej Vostochno-Kazaxstanskoj oblasti.
Postanyuk V.D.
Liability for Illegal Business in Russian and Foreign Legislation
Purpose: This paper aims to study the concept of liability for illegal entrepreneurship in domestic and foreign law in order to identify and analyze its features.
Methodology: To achieve the goal outlined in this article, comparative, legalistic and sociological methods were used.
Results: The author of this article defines the basic principle of differentiation of views on the problem of liability for illegal business - the identification of an act as criminal or devoid of criminal features. Particular attention is paid to the criteria of such criminalization – for example, the development of domestic economic relations, as well as power influence on the subject of study. The study argues that a power influence can alternatively be expressed in the form of financial and tax policy or the definition of an act as criminal.
Novelty/originality/value: The study of liability for illegal entrepreneurship is particularly relevant, as the domestic economy has reached a new level of interaction with foreign economics, including using the internet for trade and business communication. The author has identified the main criterion for the effective analysis of the characteristics of liability for illegal entrepreneurship. This principle has a special scientific and theoretical value for the system study of the problem.
Keywords: illegal business, liability, criminalization of acts, business activity, foreign law, criminal liability for economic crimes.
References (transliterated)
1.Zarubin A.V. Otvetstvennost` za nezakonnoe pred-prinimatel`stvo v ugolovnom prave zarubezhny`x gosudarstv // Kriminalist. 2016. № 2 (19).
2.Urda M.N. Problemy` primeneniya normy`, usta-navlivayushhej otvetstvennost` za nezakonnoe predpri-nimatel`stvo: monografiya / pod nauch. red. T.G. Ponyatovskoj. M.: Yurlitinform, 2012.
3.Ustinova T.D. Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost` za nezakonnoe predprinimatel`stvo. M.: Yusticinform, 2012.
4.Chebotarev A.V. Sravnitel`no-pravovaya i istoricheskaya xarakteristiki ugolovno-pravovy`x norm, predusmatrivayushhix otvetstvennost` za nezakonnoe predprinimatel`stvo // YuP. 2008. № 1.
5.Yakovczova I.V. Nezakonnoe predprinimatel`stvo: ugolovno-pravovoj analiz i problemy` kvalifikacii. Domo-dedovo: VIPK MVD Rossii, 2007.
Khairullin V.I., Yusupova Z.A.
On the Penitentiary Experience of Scandinavian Countries
Purpose: This study aims to describe the Scandinavian penitentiary institutions’ work experience with the aim of comparing the Russian Federation penitentiary institutions’ work experience and possible use of the elements of Scandinavian practice.
Methodology: Empirical observation and sociological methods were used.
Results: The paper discusses the general criminalization trends in Scandinavian countries and their correlation to those of Southern and Central European countries. The author points out differences in the sanctions employed, such as fine, imprisonment, community service, pretrial detention, as well as a relative stability of the number of inmates in Norway, Sweden, Finland. Denmark observes an increase of their number, whereas Sweden has a relatively larger percentage of foreign inmates. The penitentiary institutions are well staffed and have low capacity – from 50 to 500 inmates. A number of institutions are open type ones. Much attention is paid to the psychological and medical methods of preventing recidivism. An example of mutual male/female type of penitentiary institution is given. Other examples analyzed include types of jobs the inmates are engaged in and of what they do in their leisure time. The author emphasizes that at present time, when the number of migrants has dramatically increased ,the situation has undergone changes, so that the criminalization rate has gone up, which brings about new features to penitentiary practice.
Novelty/originality/value: The paper has of an indisputable scientific value, since it is one of the few studies of Scandinavian penitentiary institutions.
Keywords: penitentiary, inmates, punishment, prison, deprivation of freedom, penal institutions, recidivism, crime.
References (transliterated)
1.Bondeson U.V. Nordic Moral Climates. New Brunswick and London: Transaction, 2003.
2.Due O. Danish Law in a European Context // Danish Law in a European Perspective. Copenhagen: GadJura, 1996. P. 13–31.
3.Sveri K. Criminal Law and Penal Sanctions // Scandinavian Studies in Criminology. 1990. Vol. 11. P. 11–28.
Kuzmin I.A.
On the Creation of Federal Forensic Accounting of Virtual Crime Traces
Purpose: To analyze the legal acts regulating counteraction to crimes connected with the spread and use of computer malware.
Methodology: Analysis, synthesis, comparative and legalistic methods were used.
Results: The absence of a unified federal accounting of virtual traces of crimes is established. A legal basis for the formation of such accounting is proposed.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since it is an attempt to research a relatively new scientific problem.
Keywords: computer and telecommunications technologies, virtual traces of crimes, frauds, computer malware, federal accounting of virtual crime traces.
References (transliterated)
1.Vexov V.B. Osnovy` kriminalisticheskogo ucheniya ob issledovanii i ispol`zovanii komp`yuternoj informacii i sredstv ee obrabotki: monografiya. Volgograd, 2008. S. 83–85.
2.Gavrilin Yu.V. Rassledovanie nepravomernogo dostupa k komp`yuternoj informacii: ucheb. posob. / pod red. N.G. Shuruxnova. M., 2001.
3.Gavrilin Yu.V., Ly`tkin N.N. Ponyatie, svojstva i kriminalisticheskoe znachenie komp`yuterno-texnicheskix sledov prestupleniya [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: http:///
4.Meshheryakov V.A. «Virtual`ny`e sledy` pod «skal`pelem Okkama» // Informacionnaya bezopasnost` regionov. 2009. № 1 (4). S. 28–33.
5.Milashev V.A. Problemy` taktiki poiska, fiksacii i iz``yatiya sledov pri nepravomernom dostupe k komp`yuternoj informacii v setyax E`VM: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2004.
6.Prikaz MVD Rossii ot 29.06.2005 № 511 «Voprosy` organizacii proizvodstva sudebny`x e`kspertiz v e`kspertno-kriminalisticheskix podrazdeleniyax organov vnutrennix del». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Garant».
7.Rossinskaya E.R. Kriminalistika. Voprosy` i otvety`: ucheb. posob. dlya vuzov. M.: Yuniti–Dana, 1999.
8.Sostoyanie prestupnosti v Rossii za yanvar`–noyabr` 2018 goda. Otchet FKU «Glavny`j informacionno-analiticheskij centr» MVD Rossijskoj Federacii.
9.Cherkasov V.N., Nexoroshev A.B. «Virtual`ny`e sledy` v «kiberneticheskom prostranstve» // Sudebnaya e`kspertiza: mezhvuz. sb. nauch. st. Vy`p. 2. Saratov: SYuI MVD Rossii, 2003.
10.Shorin I.Yu., Shatilo Ya.S. Osobennosti sledov komp`yuterny`x prestuplenij // Informatika v sudebnoj e`kspertize: sb. trudov. Saratov: SYuI MVD Rossii, 2003.
Esenbekov A.U.
Legal Basis for the Activities of the Bodies of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic to Counter Extremism on the Basis of Radical Interpretations of Islam Among the Youth
Purpose: This paper aims to study the laws and regulations countering extremism on the basis of radical interpretations of Islam among the youth.
Methodology: The study uses comparative legal methods.
Results: This article analyzes the laws and regulations of the activities of the bodies of internal affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic to counter religious extremism. As well, issues of countering extremism on the basis of radical Islamic interpretations among the youth are put forward, for they come to the fore and take on an increasing national significance. The study identifies the causes and conditions for the emergence of extremism on the basis of radical Islamic interpretations in the Kyrgyz Republic and the key prerequisites for the emergence of radical orientation in various religious movements. Different areas of improvement of the legal framework of the activities of the bodies of internal affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic to counter extremism on the basis of radical trends of Islam in the youth environment are analyzed as well. The study used the laws and regulations of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a certain scientific value, since it formulates proposals and develops measures by state authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic aimed at preventing and stopping extremist manifestations among the youth. The study used the laws and regulations of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Keywords: law, concept, extremism on the basis of radical interpretation of Islam, counteraction to extremism.
References (transliterated)
1.Zakon Ky`rgy`zskoj Respubliki «O nacional`noj bezopasnosti». Utverzhden Ukazom Prezidenta KR ot 26 fevralya 2003 goda № 44.
2.Zakon Ky`rgy`zskoj Respubliki «O protivodejstvii e`kstremistskoj deyatel`nosti». Utverzhden Ukazom Prezidenta KR ot 17 avgusta 2005 goda № 150.
3.Koncepciya gosudarstvennoj politiki v religioznoj sfere KR na 2014–2020 gody`, utverzhdennaya Ukazom Prezidenta KR ot 14 noyabrya 2014 goda № 203.
4.Koncepciya nacional`noj bezopasnosti Ky`rgy`zskoj Respubliki, utverzhdennaya Ukazom Prezidenta KR ot 9 iyunya 2012 goda № 120.
Zui I.V.
Participation of State In Bankruptcy Cases In The Russian Federation
Purpose: This paper aims to study the specifics of state participation in bankruptcy cases of legal entities in the Russian Federation.
Methodology: The author used dialectical, legalistic and comparative approaches.
Results: This article analyzes the features of state participation in bankruptcy cases in the Russian Federation. The author considers all the main situations where the state can participate in bankruptcy cases as a creditor, owner of the property of a debtor, a sanator, and a guarantor. The main problematic aspects of state participation in bankruptcy cases are highlighted, the need to change the bankruptcy procedure of strategically important enterprises and organizations is noted.
Novelty/originality/value: The paper is devoted to the current problem of modern Russian legal science and has great scientific-theoretical and applied significance. The results of this study can be applied to further understanding and developing the practice of bankruptcy of legal entities in the Russian Federation, improving state policy in the field of bankruptcy, taxation, and management of state property.
Keywords: bankruptcy, state, reorganization, creditors, surety, arbitration process, Federal Tax Service.
References (transliterated)
1.Guznov A.G. Mery` po preduprezhdeniyu bankrotstva banka, osushhestvlyaemy`e s uchastiem Agentstva po straxovaniyu vkladov // Vestnik Saratovskoj gosudarstvennoj yuridicheskoj akademii. 2016. № 1 (108). S. 188–194.
2.Kisluxina I.A. Uchastie gosudarstva v delax o bankrotstve i v procedurax, primenyaemy`x v dele o bankrotstve // Upravlenie e`konomicheskimi sistemami. 2017. № 9. (103).
3.Sadova-Sheveleva M.O. Gosudarstvo kak kreditor v delax o bankrotstve // Informacionny`j sajt Upravleniya Federal`noj nalogovoj sluzhby` po Krasnodarskomu krayu [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Smirnova E.E. Uchastie nalogovy`x organov v delax o bankrotstve // Nalogovy`j vestnik [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Czarik G.P. Problemy` sushhestvuyushhego mexanizma uchastiya gosudarstva kak kreditora v ozdorovlenii e`konomiki posredstvom provedeniya procedur bankrotstva // Biznes, menedzhment i pravo: nauchno-prakticheskij e`konomiko-pravovoj zhurnal [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Сhashin А.N.
Sources of Law: Form – Content – Meaning
Purpose: In the study, the author builds a philosophical understanding of one of the «troublesome» questions of the theory of law related to clarifying the relationship between the concepts of «source» and «form» of law.
Methodology: The theoretical position of the researcher is based on the method of materialist dialectics.
Results: The philosophical understanding of the definition of the «source (form) of law» demonstrates its complete coincidence with the dialectical triad «form – content – meaning», where the source is a meaning, form is a form, and law is a content. The source (form) of law is understood as the spatial expression of legal matter. The meaning is manifested in the rule of conduct enshrined in the rule of law (that is, by the law itself) and in the source (form) of the law at the same time, as well as in its role and significance in the process of state administration.
Novelty/originality/value: The theoretical triad «source of law – form of law – content of law» is constructed by the author for the first time.
Keywords: legal doctrine, precedent, law; idea, rule of conduct, rules of law.
References (transliterated)
1.Dominguez A.G. El sistema de normas e interconexiun de sistemas jurndicos: la incidencia del Derecho Comunitario en el sistema de fuentes interno // Anuario de filosofia del derecho. 2013. XXIX (na isp. yaz.).
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5.Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskax smy`sla: sbornik / obshh. red. L.Ya. Gozmana i D.A. Leont`eva. M., 1990.
6.Shelling F.V.I. Soch.: v 2 t. T. 1 / sost., red., avt. vstup. st. A.V. Guly`ga. M., 1987.
7.Shhitov A.A. Stanovlenie dialektiko-materialisticheskoj koncepcii formy` i soderzhaniya. Rostov n/D, 1989.
Volos A.A.
The Principles of Civil Law in Russia and Slovakia:A Comparative Study
Purpose: This study aims to conduct a complex comparative study of the principles of civil law in Russia and Slovakia, its system and implementation in both countries.
Methodology: The author uses various general scientific and special legal methods.
Results: The article contains the main results of the complex comparative study of the principles of civil law in Russia and Slovakia, its system and implementation in both countries. A brief analysis of the Slovak civil law principles enables the author to make a number of conclusions which could be used in Russian civil law too. The most important conclusion is the thesis that some methodological approaches are useful in order to study principles of civil law not only in Slovakia but also in Russia.
Novelty/originality/value: The conclusions made by the author can be used for the deeper understanding of the principles of Russian civil law.
Keywords: principles of civil law, Slovakia, principle of equality of subjects in civil law, good faith, fair.
References (transliterated)
1.Komissarova E.G. Rol` metodologii v issledovanii principov grazhdanskogo prava // Sovremennoe pravo. 2010. № 3. S. 37–41.
2.Kuzneczova O.A. Normy`-principy` rossijskogo grazhdanskogo prava. M.: Statut, 2006.
3.Sajt sudebny`x reshenij Slovaczkoj respubliki [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Barancová Helena. Zásada slobody a rovnosti v pracovnom prave // Základné zásady súkromného práva v zjednotenej Európe. Bratislava: Iura edition, 2007. S. 169–202.
5.Dobrovodský R. Právno-filozofické a spoločenské pozadie právnej úpravy povinne zverejňovaných zmlúv na Slovensku [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Dulaková D., Dulak A. Dvojkoľajnosť právnej úpravy nájmu bytu po prijatí zákona č. 98/2014 Z. z. o krátkodobom nájme bytu a všeobecné prejavy diskriminácie v právnej úprave nájmu bytu // Diskriminácia v zmluvnom práve. Trnava, 2015. S. 201–212.
7.Hurdík Jan. K systému zásad soukromého práva // Základné zásady súkromného práva v zjednotenej Európe. Bratislava: Iura edition, 2007. S. 73–89.
8.Lazar J a kolektív. Obcianske pravo hmotne. Bratislava, 2018. T. 1.
9.PRÁVNE PRINCÍPY [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.Jančo M. Introduction to Slovak Civil Law. Plzen, 2010.
11.Jančo M. Význam dobrej viery v súkromnom prá-ve // Bulletin slovenskej advokácie. 2009. № 7–8. S. 36–44.
12.Princípy Európskeho zmulvného prva. Iura edution, 2009.
Kazachenok O.P.
E-Money as A New Object of Civil Rights in the Russian and International Law: Restrictions
on The Turnover and Prospects of Legal Regulation
Purpose: This study aims to research electronic money as a new object of civil rights in Russian and international law and consider the limitations of their turnover.
Methodology: The research methodology is based on a system-structural approach using methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, comparison and analogy.
Results: At present, there is a good basis for discussions concerning the differences between the modern understanding of the legal categories of «electronic money» and of «non-cash funds», as well as the possibility of free circulation of e-money and their status as an object of civil rights. The paper also compares the categories of «e-money» and «cryptocurrency». There are many new objects of civil rights that go beyond the generally accepted theories, which is primarily due to the rapid development of digital technologies determining the need to rethink the classical understanding of the category of money.
Novelty/originality/value: A new object of civil law is analyzed in the study through the prism of modern market relations and challenges of society in the conditions of its rapid digitalization.
Keywords: digital economy, digital technologies, electronic money, objects of civil rights, electronic commerce.
References (transliterated)
1.Karnushin V.E. Grazhdansko-pravovaya sushhnost` deneg kak ob``ektov grazhdanskix prav // Yurist. 2017. № 3. S. 24.
2.Kry`lov O.M. E`lektronny`e denezhny`e sredstva kak den`gi v Rossijskoj Federacii: voprosy` pravovogo regulirovaniya // Finansovoe pravo. 2018. № 10. S. 8–12.
3.Arzumanova L.L. K voprosu o novoj forme bezna-lichny`x raschetov – e`lektronny`x den`gax // Bankovskoe pravo. 2013. № 3. S. 19–24.
4.Bashkatov M. Pravovaya priroda «e`lektronny`x deneg» // Xozyajstvo i pravo. 2015. № 8. S. 90.
5.Kry`lov O.M. E`lektronny`e denezhny`e sredstva kak den`gi v Rossijskoj Federacii: voprosy` pravovogo regulirovaniya // Finansovoe pravo. 2018. № 10. S. 8–12.
6.Grazhdanskoe pravo: uchebnik: v 2 t. / O.G. Alekseeva, E.R. Aminov, M.V. Bando i dr.; pod red. B.M. Gongalo. M.: Statut, 2016. T. 2. Gl. 50. § 7.
7.Arxipov A.V. Otvetstvennost` za xishhenie bezna-lichny`x i e`lektronny`x denezhny`x sredstv: novelly` zakonodatel`stva // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2018. № 3. S. 4–9.
8.Savel`ev A.I. E`lektronnaya kommerciya v Rossii i za rubezhom: pravovoe regulirovanie. 2-e izd. M.: Statut, 2016.
9.Sinicyn S.A. Veshh` kak ob``ekt grazhdanskix prav: vozmozhny`e i dolzhny`e kriterii identifikacii // Zakonodatel`stvo i e`konomika. 2016. № 11. S. 7–17.
10.Shevchuk M.V. Pravovaya priroda e`lektronny`x denezhny`x sredstv // Yurist. 2012. № 12. S. 30–34.
11.Kazachenok O.P. Nesootvetstvie dejstvuyushhego za-konodatel`stva potrebnostyam informacionnogo obshhestva na primere zajma e`lektronny`x denezhny`x sredstv // Zakony` Rossii: opy`t, analiz, praktika. 2017. № 10. S. 48.
Shikula I.R., Gusenko N.S., Simanovich L.N.
Civilian Drones in Law Of Russia And Japan
Purpose: To study international legislation in the field of using civilian drones and to describe the prospects for the legal regulation of drones with the aim of solving environmental and socio-economic problems. The study is based on the legislative experience of Russia and Japan.
Methodology: The methodological basis of this paper is the method of legal forecasting, which achieves its scientific goal with the future formation of the international legal framework of the usage of civilian drones.
Results: The proposed legislative amendments and conclusions can be used to further improve international legislation, including the laws of Russia and Japan.
Novelty/originality/value: The novelty of the study lies in the need for theoretical substantiation and development of legislation governing the use of remote and automated drones by civilians, including: the legal liability of owners of drones; revealing the facts of environmental violations by the drones; the use of drones to minimize socio-economic problems (bureaucracy and corruption detection, etc.).
Keywords: environmental regulations, legislation of Eurasia, civil legal relations, forest, water, technology, data, aircraft, civilian drones, Russian Federation, Japan.
References (transliterated)
1.Issledovaniya regional`noj politiki. Shkola politicheskix issledovanij, Universitet Takasaki Kejsi. 2011. Fevral`. № 4. T. 13. S. 41–53 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: k7197_4.pdf.
2.Soglashenie o mezhdunarodnoj dostavke (passazhir i bagazh). Dejstvuet s 25 maya 1990 goda [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Shinda Xiroshi. Pravovoe rassledovanie novoj sistemy` vozdushnogo dvizheniya pravovoj sistemy` v kazhdoj strane [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Yamamoto Norio. IT v upravlenii vozdushny`m dvizheniem: tekushhie problemy` i perspektivy` na budushhee. 2012. № 10. T. 53.
Zaretsky A.M.
Constitutional And Legal Status of the Parliaments of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan (Comparative Aspect)
Purpose: This study aims to explore the ways of forming chambers of parliaments, to identify the general and particular in the ways of forming the upper and lower chambers of parliaments of the republics of Central Asia, to determine the functional importance of the legislative bodies in these republics.
Methodology: Dialectical, formal-logical, historical-analytical, structural-functional. Among the special scientific methods in the study were used historical and legal, comparative legal and formal legal methods.
Results: This study discusses the main provisions of the constitutional and legal status of the parliaments of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. Different characteristics of the parliamentary systems of all three Central Asian republics were analyzed, from the difference in powers to the constitutional and legal status of deputies. It is noted that in the studied states there were no traditions of «pre-Soviet» law, but the ideas of national independence were eventually personified and associated with the national leader, particularly, the president of the republic. A common factor in the formation of parliamentarism for these states was their status as Soviet Republics within the USSR. After independence, the directions of constitutional and legal reforms and their dynamics in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan were varied, what was a result of unequal social and economic conditions, peculiarities of the population’s infrastructure, differences in cultures, legal awareness and other factors. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan (adopted December 8, 1992), the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (adopted January 28, 1993) were the very first constitutions in the post-Soviet space among the constitutions of the CIS member states, and have secured such important elements of parliamentarism as the principle of separation of powers, the legal status of authorities, the legal status of parliamentarians, political and ideological pluralism.
Novelty/originality/value: The study has a high scientific value, as it is one of the first attempts at a comparative, legal and partially retrospective study of the formation and development of parliamentarism in the republics of Central Asia.
Keywords: constitution, parliamentarism, parliament, deputy, legal status, legislation.
References (transliterated)
1.Konstituciya Respubliki Kazaxstan [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Konstituciya Respubliki Uzbekistan [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Konstituciya Respubliki Tadzhikistan [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Dolgix F.I. Pravovoe regulirovanie sozdaniya politicheskix partij v Rossii i Kazaxstane i ego vliyanie na formirovanie partijny`x sistem // Sravnitel`noe konstitucionnoe obozrenie. 2016. № 4. S. 92–106.
5.Dolgix F.I. Sozdanie i gosudarstvennaya registraciya politicheskix partij v RF i Respublike Uzbekistan – sravnitel`ny`j analiz // Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2018. № 1. S. 6–9.
6.Zareczkij A.M., Dolgix F.I. Teoriya gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik / pod red. F.I. Dolgix. M.: Moskovskij finansovo-promy`shlenny`j universitet «Sinergiya», 2015.
7.Zareczkij A.M. K voprosu o formirovanii garantij deyatel`nosti deputatov parlamentov postsovetskix respublik Central`noj Azii // Civilisticheskoe obespechenie innovacionnogo razvitiya v sovremennoj Rossii: sbornik statej mezhvuzovskogo nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara / Sankt-Peterburgskij politexnicheskij universitet. SPb.: Izd-vo Politexn. un-ta, 2013. S. 54.
8.Zareczkij A.M. K voprosu o funkciyax i polnomochiyax sovremenny`x parlamentov (na primere parlamentov respublik Central`noj Azii) // Problemy` prava v sovremennoj Rossii: sbornik statej mezhdunarodnoj mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. SPb.: Izd-vo Politexn. un-ta, 2011. S. 409.
9.Zareczkij A.M. K voprosu ob istoriko-pravovy`x aspektax razvitiya konstitucionalizma v Kazaxstane, Tadzhikistane i Uzbekistane // Otechestvennaya vojna 1812 goda: pravo, sud`by`, istoriya: sbornik statej XII Mezhdunarodnoj mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii Sankt-Peterburgskogo politexnicheskogo universiteta. SPb.: Izd-vo Politexn. un-ta, 2012. S. 242.
10.Zareczkij A.M. K voprosu o ponyatii «deputat» v zakonodatel`stve central`no-aziatskix respublik // XL Nedelya nauki SPbGPU: materialy` mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. SPb.: Izd-vo Politexn. un-ta, 2011. S. 115.
11.Politicheskaya sociologiya: uchebnik dlya vuzov / pod red. chl.-korr. RAN Zh.T. Toshhenko. M.: YuNITI-DANA, 2002.
Prudnikov A.S., Shagieva R.V.
Legislation in the Field of Migration and Ways to Improve It
Purpose: To analyze the main questions of the legislation in the sphere of migration both in Russia and in other countries.
Methodology: Legalistic and comparative methods of knowledge were used.
Results: Authors offer their own vision of structure of the proposed Migration Code of the Russian Federation, which needs to be introduced, as proven in the article.
Novelty/originality/value: Article has the scientific value and novelty, as the issues of systematization of the migration legislation are poorly studied in legal literature.
Keywords: migration, legislation, codification, legal regulation, foreign citizen, migration policy, laws and regulations.
References (transliterated)
1.Karpovich O.G. Nekotory`e voprosy` migracii v Rossii // Zakon i pravo. 2015. № 4. S. 24–26.
2.Konstitucii zarubezhny`x gosudarstv: ucheb. posob. / sost. V.V. Maklakov. 5-e izd. M.: Volters Kluver, 2006.
3.Morozov P.E. O ponyatii i predmete migracionnogo prava stran Evrazijskogo e`konomicheskogo soyuza // Migracionnoe pravo. 2016. № 1. S. 3–6.
4.Ozhkalo I.V. Problemy` pravovogo regulirovaniya migracii v RF i perspektivy` ix resheniya // Administrativnoe pravo i administrativny`j process. 2017. № 1. S. 80–83.
5.Stepakov S.D. Administrativno-pravovoe regulirovanie trudovoj migracii v Rossijskoj Federacii i stranax Evropejskogo soyuza: Sravnitel`no-pravovoj analiz: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2010.